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Jan . 31, 2024 14:15 Back to list

Coronavirus: Key Questions And Answers

1. How can I protect myself from infection CORONAVIRUS?

The most important measure to break possible chains of infection is to observe the following hygiene measures, which we strongly urge you to adhere:

Wash your hands regularly with water and soap (> 20 seconds)
Cough and sneeze only into a tissue or the crook of your arm
Maintain a distance from other people (minimum 1.5 metres)
Do not touch your face with the hands
Dispense with handshaking
Wear a mouth-nose protection face mask if the minimum distance of 1.5 m cannot be maintained.
Ensure adequate ventilation of rooms
2. What categories of contacts are there?
Category I contacts are defined as follows:

You are considered a Category I contact (first-degree contact) with close contact to a to a person who tested positive, e.g., if you

had face contact for at least 15 minutes (keeping a distance of less than 1.5 m), e.g. during conversation,
live in the same household or
had direct contact with secretion through e.g. kissing, coughing, sneezing or contact with vomit
Category II contacts are defined as follows:

You are considered a Category II contact (second-degree contact), e.g., if you

were in the same room with a confirmed case of COVID-19 but did not have face contact with the case of COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes and otherwise kept a distance of 1.5 m and
do not live in the same household and
had no direct contact with secretion through e.g. kissing, coughing, sneezing or contact with vomit
If you have seen some person who are have above situation, you can report local committee. If you have contact and touch the Covid-19 case person, please also tell your local committee. Do not go around , do not to touch any other persons. You will be isolated under the arrangement of government and Necessary treatment in the specified hospital.

Keep mask in the public and distance!!


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